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Videos, Games, Metaverse, NTFs and much more: all you need to know about Dikemex

Videos, Games, Metaverse, NTFs and much more: all you need to know about Dikemex

The Time in which we live is absolutely extraordinary; for over a decade, the advent of the Blockchain and its technological ecosystems have opened up investment and market opportunities that are unthinkable to anyone. At a time when over 7000 cryptocurrencies are available, it is imperative to have all the information possible on these new  opportunities: today we introduce Dikemex a complex and advanced project that obviously includes a native $DIK Token but not only.

Dikemex is a project with an intense roadmap and started in 2020. The Concept provides for the creation of an end-to-end scalable platform based on a multitude of Media that raise the opportunities of extension to other Business models.

So let's pause for a moment to list some of the most interesting Goals, starting with the extensive network of collaborations in place with the major mainstreamers globally, as support for the multimedia contents that will be available to users; this will allow Dikemex to break into 82% of the global Live-Streaming traffic panorama.
The new proprietary platform is also designed to support a wide range of digital product as auctions, item listings, in-game collectibles, encrypted collections, really any kind of NFTS. Dikemex Network comes with a safe and efficient marketplace that will become an ideal metaverse for NFT and blockchain-related activities as Dikemex's Metaverse will attract gamers, developers, operators, and artists alike as a fully functional ecosistem.
The extensive use of Machine Learning (ML) and Artifcial Intelligence (AI), it will allow to increase and integrate dedicated data and services, with a consequent new range of opportunities and possible investments.

But it certainly doesn't end there. The Dikemex ecosystem is powered by the DIK token; it will serve as a governance token, assigning administrative authorities to users, as well as being the foundation for liquidity and remuneration for staking, royalty rewards, boost the in-game economy while rewarding the players etc. DIK holders can also use the token for NFT exchange, video sharing, payments, live streaming, and smart contract integration.

The contract provides for a circulation limited to 11 Billion Tokens and on such a wide range of services that can be used such as dApps, crypto transactions, hot wallets, Games Application, controlled Tokens Burning, etc. will certainly help to increase the value and interchangeability with the extension of the use of the Dikemex platform.

- Smart contract address (BSC): 0x98036a24a1de403e0dedf98f0ddeb412629ae69e

Are you curious? Yes of course! In this case, we suggest you follow all the news about Dikemex and $DIK on the official website and the vibrant social networks:


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